Sunday, December 29, 2019

Character Analysis - Achilles - 756 Words

Character Analysis: Achilles In Homer’s epic â€Å"The Iliad† the main character, Achilles, is not really the typical run of the mill hero. Even though he is a great warrior he doesn’t come off as one in the epic. His rage constantly comes up when his feelings get hurt or someone insults him. Because of this he stops fighting with his own people all because he has been offended by his commander, Agamemnon. It is not till after his friend gets killed in battle that he re-enters the war, only again because of his rage has overtaken him. This rage continues on after he avenges his friend’s death but his anger is finally resolved when Hector’s father Priam comes asking for his dead son’s body. Even though Achilles was a very swift tempered man,†¦show more content†¦255). Lombardo (2009) shows that once King Priam came to Achilles begging for his body, he was physically moved by the sight of the King, and remembered that he too has a father that he would never see a gain and both of them wept together (pp. 170-171). This is where Achilles softer side finally comes out and allows for Hector’s body to be returned to Priam for proper burial. Now after all theShow MoreRelatedAchilles : Achilles And Duryodhana Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesWorld Literature 26 October 2016 Achilles and Duryodhana Analysis A quick comparison between the characters Achilles in the Iliad and Duryodhana in the Mahabharata suggests that they are extremely similar. Both characters are hard-headed, full of pride, and their eventual demises both occur because of a certain weakness in their invulnerability related to their mothers’ oversight. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ethics And The Ethical Standards Essay - 1626 Words

The Ethical Standards were set up to implement direct rules for conduct as a psychologist. Most of the Ethical Standards were composed extensively to apply against psychologists in an assortment of roles, even though the utilization of an Ethical Standard may differ which is contingent upon the unique situation. The Ethical Standards are not exhaustive. The fact that a given conduct is not specifically addressed by the Ethics Code does not mean that it is necessarily either moral or untrustworthy (Allan Love, 2010). Ethics is a vast, key topic in psychological research. What is necessarily taken into consideration in regards to ethics before conducting research is studying and continual reading again and again in guidelines and codes of conduct. There are questions in research require looking at what lies beyond the legislations in ethics? Where should a researcher’s moral compass be pointing to? (Allan Love, 2010). This Ethics Code applies only to psychologists work-related activities, that is, activities that are part of the psychologists scientific and professional functions or that are psychological in nature. This includes the clinical or counseling practice of psychology, research, teaching, supervision of trainees, development of assessment instruments, conducting assessments, educational counseling, organizational consulting, social intervention, administration, and other activities as well. These work-related activities can be distinguished from the purelyShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Ethics And Its Ethical Standards Essay1311 Words   |  6 PagesThe formal definition of ethics is as follows, moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity or alternatively the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. (Ethics definition:, 2014) The Code and Standards where first created in the 1960s and have been updated regularly since then. The Code of Ethics is an ethical benchmark for investment professionals around the world. The standards have generally been adopted regardless of job functionRead MoreThe Ethics Of Western Ethical Standards1080 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Ethics is a branch of philosophy, it is also, known as moral philosophy. It helps human deal with human morality and concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crimes.† (†¦.) Most people confused ethic with social conventions, etc. Dr. Richard and Dr. Linda, illustrated the notion with these â€Å"most people confuse ethics with behaving in accordance with social conventions, religious beliefs and the law, and don t treat ethics as a stand-alone concept.†(†¦) They wentRead MoreThe Ethics Of Universal Ethical Standards1292 Words   |  6 Pages1. How do relative ethics compare to universal ethical standards? Should ethics ever be relative? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Differentiate Hrd and TD Free Essays

In the early 1980s, the field of personnel management shifted its function from handling staffing and related administrative activities to the development of people as a resource of the organization (Sims, R. 2006). Thus, here comes the field of Human Resource Development (HRD). We will write a custom essay sample on How to Differentiate Hrd and TD or any similar topic only for you Order Now The term HRD started out first simply as â€Å"training†, then involved into â€Å"training and development†(TD), and finally into HRD. Therefore, some confusion arise relating to the difference between Human Resource Development and â€Å"training and development†.In order to differentiate HRD and TD, the author illustrates this essay by clarifying the definition of HRD and TD, their respective main purpose, and the strategies of each term. I. Definition 1. Definition of HRD Because of the evolving nature of HRD, defining HRD is difficult. The first definition of HRD offered by Harbison and Myers related HRD to broad contexts, including economy, political, social and culture contexts, rather than just individuals and organizations.They defined HRD as a process to increase the knowledge, skills and capacities of all the people in a society: â€Å"In economic terms, it could be described as the accumulation of human capital and its effective investment in the development of an economy. In political terms, HRD prepares people for adult participation in the political process, particularly as citizens in a democracy. From the social and cultural points of view, the development of human resources helps people lead fuller and richer lives, less bound to tradition. †(Harbison and Myers, 1964)HRD was also referred as a learning experience provided by employees, leading to the improvement of their performance and/all personal growth (Nadl er and Nadler, 1989). A recent definition from Swanson (2009) explained the term HRD as a process of developing and unleashing expertise which aimed at improving organizational system, work process, team, and individual performance. 2. Definition of TD Generally speaking, training and development is defined as a field concerned with organizational activity whose objective is to improve the performance of individuals and groups in organizational context.To be specific, writers of some literatures have divided the term TD into two independent parts: â€Å"training† and â€Å"development†. Separated definition for each word is created, which makes the definition of training and development quite straightforward. Training was defined as a â€Å"planned and systematic process to modify or develop attitude, knowledge or skills through learning experiences, to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. † (Garavan et al. ,1995; Harrison, 1993; Reid et al. 1994) .A separate definition of development was that â€Å"the growth or realization of a person’s ability through conscious or unconscious learning, which usually includes elements of planned study and experience supported by coaching and counseling† (Wilson, 1999). Similarities can be seen from these definitions that both HRD and TD provide human resource with learning to improve performance. However, their emphasises are different according to the definitions. TD focuses more on the improvement of individual performance, whereas HRD is a business approach which plays a crucial role in the improvement of whole organizational.II. Main Purpose of HRD and TD 1. Main purpose of HRD The key functions of HRD are individual development, organizational development, career development and performance improvement. Actually, the main purpose of HRD is under debate of researchers and practitioners. Should it focus on increasing the performance requirements of its organizations and enhancing the productivity of the workforce or on developing the individual competency and skills? When practiced in productive organizations, HRD should contribute directly to the organization’s goal.As a result, performance improvement becomes the main purpose of HRD. There are many aspects that HRD could improve performance: individual, process, as well as organizational levels. For instance, performance is impeded when the goal of an organization do not fit various internal and external realities (culture, for example). HRD could solve this problem by formulating a goal that fit in the organizational culture while a culture change process being implemented in o rder to support the goal of the organization. 2. Main purpose of TDIn many literatures, the purpose of TD concentrates on individual development. There is need to train and retrain the employees on continuous basis. TD has the goal of influencing basic values and beliefs of individual. Meanwhile, there are also technical and management TD programmes related to systems and procedures appeal to the inherent logic, and the planning methods and people skills appeal to the strategies of succeed. The relationship (or difference) of HRD and TD (and other HRD functions) could be illustrated by figure1:Figure1 (Haslinda, 2009) Although the main purpose of TD is individual development, which is one of the four key functions of HRD, we can not say that TD is a subset of HRD. HRD and TD are discrete entities. HRD is the integrated use of TD, organizational development, career development and performance development to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness. III. Strategies of HRD and TD 1. Strategies of HRD To contribute to the goals and missions of the organization, efforts of making HRD strategies must take place.First, there should be a clear overview of the relationship between the organization’s missions, strategic agenda, and competitive environment. Followed by an assessment of the current capacity of workforce, special needs are identified. An evaluation system needs to be built in order to examine if the target competencies indeed enhance the actualization of organizational goals. Finally, the organization needs senior leadership and a culture that support lifelong learning of the work role of each employee. 2. Strategies of TDTraining and development in an organization also requires a mechanism that establishes the competencies required by an organization to achieve success. Therefore, the strategy of TD includes 1) identifying the employees’ training needs, 2) finding out the HR strategic plan, 3) establishing personal developing plans and 4) evaluating the TD outcomes by assessment. The process could be revised over and over again. The strategies of HRD and TD have several points in common. However, those tiny distinctions make HRD a more strategically orientated organizational process. How to cite How to Differentiate Hrd and TD, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Satirical Pre 19th century Poetry Essay Example For Students

Satirical Pre 19th century Poetry Essay John Skelton, Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope wrote three of the most satirical poems of the period before 1914, they have become renowned for their poetry and for deriding people and societies of their time. Satire is the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize peoples stupidity or vices or a literary miscellany, especially a poem ridiculing prevalent vices or follies. A mock epic is a form of satire that adapts the elevated heroic style of the classical epic poem to a trivial subject. The methods utilised to satirise people, places and communities have changed over the centuries and the texts have become more satirically obvious. Numerous literary devices are applied to create the satirical poem called Speke Parott by John Skelton in 1521. Personification is literary technique utilised to ridicule Thomas Cardinal Wolsey, the character whom Skelton has directed all derision. Personification is shown in line 43, My lady masters, Dame Phylology, which is incarnating the study of language as a grand woman. This gave the illusion that intelligence made people higher is social hierarchy; thereby being adept at a number of different languages people may be of an elevated rank. However, as Skelton portrays recurrently throughout the poem, this ostensibly intellectual person may in truth be rather foolish, as has been written about Wolsey during Speke Parott. Another literary device that was employed was the use of macaronic verse. Macaronic verse is language consisting of a mixture of words containing of two or more languages. Macaronic doggerel is used frequently throughout the poem, this is shown in line 58, que pensez-voz, Parrot? What meneth this besynes? This is effective use of satire to comment on John Skeltons period because he wrote Speke Parott to mock Thomas Cardinal Wolsey and Wolsey spoke a number of languages, therefore the parrot is declaring that despite understanding the myriad languages, Wolsey was unwise and ridiculous. There were additionally several hidden meanings and double connotations to certain words and phrases. One particular area which included various concealed realities was the reference to the Royal Family, especially Queen Catherine of Aragon. This is revealed in line 36, With Kateryne incomporabyll, owur royall queen also, when Skelton indicates praise about the Royal queen, however five lines later he mocks Catherine of Aragon, Mole rui sua, whose dictes ar pregnaunte - which insinuates Catherine of Aragon purpose is to become pregnant and birth Henry the eighth a male heir. However, she had failed him and at the age of thirty six she was considered elderly, she had only produced Princess Mary in 1916 and John Skelton taunted Catherine of Aragon by intimating that she was not able to create any more children. Speke Parott consists of satirical language devices for instance; alliteration is a commonly practiced technique. Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words, line 30, Pronownsying my purpose after my properte, is an example of alliteration. This extract describes Wolsey as a person who was more concerned with what he received, rather than his own sense of purpose. Alliteration also makes language seem more nonsensical, which would be easier for John Skelton to disguise his insults. Another example is line 60, Melchisedeck mercyfull made Moloc mercyles. In this extract, Milchisedeck represents Henry VIII, Moloc is a false God, which exists in the form of a bull, which is again referring to Wolsey and mercyfull to mercyless the better Henry VIII was, the worse Wolsey grew. If John Skelton was caught being disrespectful towards the royalty, he could have been beheaded for treason. There are also numerous references to Woolseys past, attributes and characteristics. Line 59, generates a specific connection to a bull, Vitulus in Oreb troubled Arons brayne; from this Catherine of Aragons distrusted Wolseys raven like persona. .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 , .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .postImageUrl , .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 , .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:hover , .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:visited , .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:active { border:0!important; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:active , .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99 .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u127fab6a9772ba376f2bbdb2cad3ce99:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Poetic Facts Of Life EssayVitulus highlights the notion of a bull, which reminds the readers that Wolsey was a butchers son and therefore originated from lowly origins. Furthermore, Wolseys actions at the Calais Conference have been included in this poem, line 57, Besy, besy, besy, and besynes agaynes! This is irony as John Skelton is referring to the disgraceful example of business that the Calais Conference set to Britain. The Ladys Dressing Room written by Jonathan Swift comprises of a number of different linguistic techniques that provoke satirical humour within the poem. Jonathan Swift was a misanthrope and he did not accept the view that human nature was essentially good. One literary device was the utilisation of mock epic traditions, such as using classical pastoral poetic and romantic names. Line 2, By haughty Celia spent in Dressing; and he also uses Betty the generic name for a maidservant by applying these names within the poem, the illusion of romance and love is created, which is very shortly wholly contradicted. However, Strephon is not a true hero and this is made truly clear by connoting Strephon as a dog. Or greasy Coifs and Pinners reeking, is a example of when Strephon comes across a smell he does not enjoy, this quotation is informing the audience that Celias nightcaps are so oleaginous that they are beginning to have a disgusting odour. In The Ladys Dressing Room, Jonathan Swift revealed human imperfection and cosmetic vanity as the evil he would attack in The Ladys Dressing Room. He chooses intentionally crude humour in an attempt to force the truth upon his readers as he wished for his audience to understand the vain state of the world they subsisted within. His style reflected the intensity of his social criticism and his disregard for his surrounding environments customs and beliefs. Jonathan Swift commonly utilises the indication of layering within The Ladys Dressing Room. This idea creates the illusion of revulsion much more comprehensibly in the readers mind. Begummd, bematter, and beslimd With Dirt, and Sweat, and Ear- Wax grimd. Alliteration and the semblance of contributing nastiness are seen in this quotation. Alliteration particularly of line 45 is effective use of satirical alliteration because it is repetition of the same type of word, so Jonathan Swift is reinforcing the disgust factor of Celia. Another linguistic device that is applied to The Ladys Dressing Room is metaphorical language, which is used to help create a sub-language within a common language which provides the basic terms to express metaphors, As from within Pandoras Box, this refers to mythological tales, another custom of classical pastoral poetry. By refering to Pandora irony has been introduced as Strephon has in truth founded Celias toilet, the home of her bedpan. This is ironic as Pandoras Box was beautiful and a toilet would clearly be the opposite. Inflated language is a key component within The Ladys Dressing Room, Similarly to Speke Parott. Exaggerated language gave poets an opportunity to provide an underlying truth masked by hyperbole since people would have taken great offense to those who insulted their conduct. Strephon, who found the Room was void, this means that Strephon went into the room which described Celia as hollow and stupid. The idealized image of women, promoted equally as strong in Swifts day as it is at present, causing problems for both genders. Women become self-absorbed, and men develop unrealistic notions of what women should be like. Through clever wit, satire and sarcasm, Swift points out the problems with unrealistic expectations in his poem. For example, from the Paste of Composition rare, to the Ointments good for scabby Chops, the cosmetics of Swifts day largely resemble those in the modern world. .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d , .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .postImageUrl , .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d , .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:hover , .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:visited , .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:active { border:0!important; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:active , .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube827bbbd20c0309484106c28ff5b63d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ghost Story EssayWomen are the primary consumers of these beauty products. Swift notes, through Strephons shocked eyes, that women spend an inordinate amount of time using beauty products when beneath it all they are normal, sweaty, stinky human beings. Women have somehow been socialized to expect to be perfect. Moreover, cosmetics are one of the biggest most booming industries in the world today. The industry shows no sign of lagging, which is why Swifts poem appeals equally as well in his time as in ours, and could very well appeal to the future.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Martha Macaskey free essay sample

McCaskey, what is your plan of action for finishing the Silicon 6 project? Please map out your detailed plan of action. Alternative #1 Ask Chuck Kaufman, the senior associate to do it instead This is a better option because he is a professional in terms of this type of work, he feels a personal obligation to do it for his managers and managing the overall project is preparing McCaskey for her promotion and the type of work she would encounter there. For finishing the Silicon 6 project- I plan on hiring Chuck Kaufmann to complete the job that I already started. All he had to do was meet with Devon and get the required information that the client company is requesting (the cost structure) I would then pay Devon the premium $7000 consulting fee. When going with the idea that you are setting up your own manufacturing facility- ask questions for how much chips are needed, what their costs are, what all equipment you need etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Macaskey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2) What is troubling Martha McCaskey? Do you agree with her assessment of the situation? Many things in the organization trouble Martha. -Starting with the views of the senior managers -Her manager was very laid back and so there was no clear set of rules for people who worked beneath him. -The organization itself had no defined rules or policy standards to follow so this gives individuals a lot of role ambiguity and they cant differentiate between what is right or wrong -Work overload and huge performance expectations, created burnout for many employees and therefore retention rate dropped significantly Dual project assignment became a standard, She failed to speak out after the first standard was set and this led to senior management thinking it was okay, she needs to be more assertive * Not much acknowledgement of employees- lowers organizational citizenship behavior, no communal feel to the workplace * Growing resentment for the firm and its bonus policies * No trust in employees, very secretive, this can lower morale and also create a major rift for the leader-emplo yee relationship * Much less open work environment All employees feel that the work they are conducting is crossing ethical boundaries but nobody speaks up because they all still want their job * Because of the lack of policies or standards, everyone has their own view of what ethics is- McCasket thinking pretending to be someone else is fine, Malone thinking lying about the representative cost structure is okay * The boss is not there, so nobody to really supervise the employees and see how they do ethically The plan of action is to pay Devon off. Silicon 6 clients was 20% of revenues- getting paid double the fee for this project- more projects to follow if this is done Have Devon do several analyses of manufacturing the chips The IAD division was staffed entirely with outsiders Blurred line between senior associates and group managers Davies who is McCaskey’s manager was very laid pack and this caused problems when you need direction on projects or firm policy This setting standard thing Richardson and Davies were overloading her with work because she does a good job on her current projects, overloading will lead to huge inefficiencies Dual assignment also became a standard Growing resentment for the firm and its policies, also bonuses No acknowledgement of employees, no sense of care and this lowers organizational citizenship behavior No trust in employees, very secretive, this can lower morale and also create a major rift for the leader-employee relationship, much less open Kaufmann, he has a personal attachment, and he cant tell when hes being taken advantage of All employees felt that they were being unethical when conducting this work but they still did it because it was part of their job All about your own personal values- McCaskey feels that pretending to be someone else isn’t as dishonest as visiting a competitor for a fake interview Hackert: if someone was willing to talk then it isn’t proprietary Most consulting firms had written and formal policies where you must state what company you work for etc. Boss is never there, no real face-to-face interaction with him Devon seemed to willing to help, he also asked about who she is representing Malone asked to cancel out the representative cost structure to just cost structure- he was deceiving the clients, they can be sued for this Even client was very unethical for gaining info about competitor Being unethical or ethical is all about context 3) Was this situation avoidable? How did McCaskey end up in this situation? This situation is avoidable- she could have handed the project off to another associate, such as Kaufmann because he deals with this kind of work on a daily basis and therefore her personal integrity at the firm would not be threatened Another way to avoid this would have been to not approach Devon or tell her boss about Devon so she could have t aken him out of the equation entirely and presented her findings to the client they way she did-even though this might have been a loss in terms of the project- her integrity and reputation would be in tact and no guilt would be brought upon her Martha ended up in this situation because she failed to voice her concerns regarding integrity at the right time. Martha kept going further and further against her will, showing signs of self-justifying bias (telling herself that she was doing the right thing for the project- eventually it escalated into a huge hit on her conscious. Lot of organizational and personal barriers to act on our values without ramifications in the business context She is falling more towards the self-justifying bias that people fall into when they feel that they can speak up against others The company has no core values and the business as a whole is one of unethical practices -Next time Martha must ask for an overview of what the project entails before starting it, if she sees that there are any chances that she will have to engage in anything that she believes are unethical then she must say no -Engage in prescripting, prepare herself for these kind of situations that will arise and decide on a well thought out way to turn down future projects like this -Malone had misled the client when he informed them that Phil Devon had worked for the company that made the micro-chip and was willing to share information. The old guard, new guard sub groups are there to create further dispersion, IAD is also an autonomous unit so the managing dir ectors probably are unaware of what is going on. Its troubling Martha that Devon is so eager to share information and that the company is willing Given the organizational and personal barriers to acting on our values, success in this arena is elusive. Thus even if we don’t succumb to the self-justifying bias noted above, many will abandon attempts to follow our values simply because we don’t believe it is possible to do so. Consequences of speaking up- anything from social disapproval to negative career consequences and/or financial and family disruptions. We are talking about efforts to make change within an organization via problem re- definition, creative problem-solving, constructive engagement, persuasion, reasoning, personal example and leadership. That is, they make an effort to know themselves and to thus better understand others, diminishing the impact of self-justifying rationalizations. Risk management is not always about avoiding risks; rather it is often about anticipating, preparing for and mitigating them. This note is about ways to think about and accomplish all of these things and so finally, this note is about acknowledging and enabling choice. In 2001, over half of respondents said their response to such a conflict would be to look for another job; in 2002 that number declined to 35 percent still a significant number. One in five students reported that their business education was not preparing them at all to manage such conflicts, and the majority said they were only being prepared â€Å"somewhat. † Why do people act with moral courage? One of the key characteristics such folks tended to share was the experience, earlier in their lives, of anticipating situations where their values would be challenged and sharing out loud with a respected listener what they would do – a kind of pre-scripting In other words, this approach is post-decision-making. It is not about analyzing what the right thing to do may be or whether to act on our values in the workplace; it’s about starting from the assumption that we know what we want to do and then figuring out how we might make that happen –and then practicing our voice. This is an important distinction – that is, the difference between not knowing the answer to the question of how to implement our values and not believing that there could be such an answer. This is an important distinction – that is, the difference between not knowing the answer to the question of how to implement our values and not believing that there could be such an answer. Core Values: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, transcendence. Kidder identifies a similar, more simply put, list of five widely shared values: honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness and compassion The concept of a hyper-norm is used to establish the boundaries of moral free space, and individual hyper-norms would limit the imposition of ethical obligations within a given micro-social community. We call such principles â€Å"hyper-norms† because they represent norms by which all others are to be judged. The explicit point she was making was that acting on our values is context-specific, particularly across cultures. The implicit point was a sort of justification of her own choice not to try to fight the particular system she had faced prior to coming to school. Self-justifying bias comes into play Framing the problem is also one of the significant factors To illustrate, if we know that we tend to defer to authority, we might seek out a respected contrarian as an advisor on major decisions. Most of us tend to be susceptible to self-justifying biases or finding ways to view our decisions as positively motivated, even when we would be critical of someone else who made the same choices. Taking control of the creation of our own self-story can enable us to anticipate some of the organizational and social pressures we are likely to encounter. Looking for a win/win solution; changing the boss’s mind through persuasion and logic; going over the boss’s head within the organization; building coalitions of like-minded employees; and so on. But the pivotal moment was deciding to speak. Re-framing â€Å"voice† as â€Å"dialogue,† which includes a goodly dollop of â€Å"listening,† is another important piece of the recipe. Even if we are not convinced that our personal style will be most effective in a particular situation, we are most likely to speak if we start from the strengths we have, rather than attempting to be an entirely different type of person at a time of stress. Practice and coaching – is supported by both research and common sense. Research tells us that when leaders talk openly about how they have applied, or are learning to apply, their values and/or to talk about and listen to other viewpoints, they become more approachable and their direct reports feel more able to do the same.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Arthur miller wrote A View From The Bridge Essays

Arthur miller wrote A View From The Bridge Essays Arthur miller wrote A View From The Bridge Essay Arthur miller wrote A View From The Bridge Essay Arthur miller wrote A View From The Bridge, in 1940s. The play is set in New York, red hook, Brookline. The story is about Eddie Carbone an Italian longshoreman working on the New York docks. He lives with his wife Beatrice and his wifes niece Catherine. Theres also Alfieri the narrator and the lawyer in the play he guides us through the story. He shows us how the story and the characters feelings change through out the play. When I look at the play in the beginning I can see that Eddie is a kind, loyal, loving and decent man, however as the story goes on Eddies character changes. My task is to see if I consider Eddie as a tragic hero, therefore by looking at his character I well find out whether or not he is a tragic hero. During the first act I can see Eddie as a loving loyal and a hardworking man. He works to feed his wife Beatrice and his wifes niece Catherine. He scarified all his life working so that Catherine could go to school because he promised her mum that he would look after her, (oh if your mother were alive to see you she wouldnt believe it). When his wifes cousins, Macro and Rodolfo, seek refuge as illegal immigrants from Sicily, Eddie agrees to shelter them. He tells Marco that they are welcome to his house (youre welcome Marco, we got plenty of room here). Marco needs to work, so that he can feed his family and his son whos sick in the chest. However miller shows us Eddies character being, over protective of his orphaned niece Catherine, in her increasing maturity. He has an urge to protect Catherine, to keep her from discovering her independence, that makes him increasingly sensitive to the presence of Beatrices cousins and to Rodolfo in particular, to which Catherine rapidly becomes attracted. Eddie starts to think differently about Rodolfo, he thinks that Rodolfo is gay and using Catherine so that he could get an American passport. Eddies wife Beatrice is aware of how deep Eddies protectiveness is towards Catherine. It soon becomes clear that she is unhappy about Eddies attitude to his niece. But as the story goes on the problem between Eddie and Beatrice goes deeper. Beatrice is worried about when shes going to be a wife again, (whats the matter Eddie you dont like me, heh? ). As Catherine finds her self-growing attraction to Rodolfo, which leads to their planned marriage, brings out an aggressive reaction in Eddie that starts to break the family apart. Eddies desire for Catherine, force him to consult Alfieri for advice, and Alfieri offers nothing but he tells him to allow events to follow their nature course. Its now that we know how disparate Eddie is to get rid of the brothers when he betrays them and tells the immigration bureau about them. Marco finally come face to face with Eddie in the neighbourhood to give Eddie a lesson, he spats on Eddies face in front of the whole community persuading them that he is the killer of his children. As all the characters change their feelings about Eddie, he looses his two best friends Louis and Mike. Therefore when I look at the end of the story, I can see how miller is showing us a person changing from being loved to being hated. Now that I looked at how eddies character was like I consider Eddie as a tragic hero because in my knowledge a tragic hero is a character in the play that falls to disaster through the combination of personal failing and circumstances with which he cannot deal with, similar to Shakespeare story in Macbeth. I think the word hero well not go with eddies character, Because Eddie only thought of himself and no one else especially Marcos starving children. I think Eddie deserved to die, because of what hes done, but at the same time I feel sorry for him, because he was the reason for Catherine to get educated and to get that far. I think Miller wants us to think that Eddie had gone to far and he should have settled half way, he also wants us to think that Eddies desire for Catherine lead him for his death and Marcos children. I think Eddie should have thought of what could have happened to him and to his family before falling for his desire. I think the play is more likely to show Marco as a hero for putting him self in so much trouble just to save his starving family. My view about Eddie changes, to me first he looked like a decent and loyal man who was loved by his family and then changes to a selfish, cruel man. Miller leads us through the play about Eddies jealousy, which culminates in an unforgivable crime against his family and the Sicilian community. Millers point above makes me feel stronger about Eddies betrayal and Sicilian community, how they acted towards a betray in a family. The other thing that I felt strongly about was Beatrices character, Her character made me to feel sorry about her, because she was powerless towards Eddie and had no other way but to stick to her husband.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cybersecurity Threats and the Future of the Internet Research Paper

Cybersecurity Threats and the Future of the Internet - Research Paper Example This would make the medium of Internet and technology more effective and less vulnerable. Key words: Cyber threats, virtualization, network infiltration, cloud computing, SaaS. Internet has come of age through its overall journey. The progress has been a fast paced one and has completely brought about revolution in the digital world. The future promises much more. Virtualizations, Web 2.0, customization, Nano technology are few of the concepts that the medium of Internet offer (Livingston, 2010, 13). Objectives: The paper looks into the various forms of threats faced by modern day digital world, this is followed by the overall assessment of the Internet journey, the present day outlook of technology and the future prospect and potential developments associated. This accompanied by the various kinds of threats faced and the potential damages that can be caused. The last part of the paper contains the possible counter means and measures available which can make the world of Internet a more secure and reliable one to operate in. Concept of Cyber Security: The term cyber security pertains to enacting actions that are necessary to be taken into account for safe and better services and operations in this medium. The field of cyber technology is a double edged sword. It enables achieving what would not be possible in the manual methods over work of months and weeks, at the same time despite being lighting fast in its outlook, if it goes wrong, it can cause havoc. These threats come in various forms ranging from internal threats and variants to the external forces that are operating outside. They form an industry all together with billions of dollars being spent in the field and most of their activities being destructive and harmful to the common users in different ways. Since the cyber technology scope is part of almost every discipline, therefore every field is at stake and risk from it. Ranging from the communication means to scientific research, governmental organi zations all are operated on digital interface and as a result proper care and consideration must be given to the security factor. Broadly a complete set of entities exist that work as threat to the normal operational existence of computers and digital technologies. They come in form of viruses, Trojan horses, malwares, Spam and various other sources that are destructive in their nature and cause damages at different levels. Countering them requires comprehensive strategy formation at different levels. Government agencies are a direct target in many instances and recent findings have shown that 2012 saw increased percentage of damages being inflicted upon government organizations as a result of comprehensive attacks launched against the networks of government structures. Department of homeland Security is equally warned and has aimed at assessing the rates and percentages and the particular areas where these vulnerabilities are present and have attacked the networks (Powner, 2005). T hrough their findings they have established that over the past year or so, the rate of increase has been alarmingly high and stands in the figure of over 600 percent increase. FBI director dealing with the vulnerabilities and overall nature and structure of technology presented a very alarming outlook of technology and stated that considering that amount of increase and overall tendencies of attacks on the governmental orga

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

IMG Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

IMG - Article Example Signing deals with various celebrity athletes like Tiger woods among others and significant expansion in terms of the firm’s structure and function explains its economy of scale. It is worth to note that IMG is currently facing challenges of its already large scale of operation in regard to its emerging competitors. The company is evidently out of control as it grapples with management challenges. This can be seen from mass exit of employees, signed athletes and the rising criticism on the issue of conflict of interest. The facts presented in this case study shows that IMG grew exponentially due to its initial competitive advantage but later ran out of managerial techniques as far as sustainable and maintenance of value creation activities are concerned (Hitt,et al. 67-9). The emergence of market dynamics with increasing competing firms that have embraced technology and strategic pricing policy is putting the IMG under significant threat of failure hence the relevance of the company â€Å"out of control†. In the contemporary turbulent market, it is advisable that McCormack or his successors need to boost the size and diversity of IMG’s portfolio of businesses. This is in line with the changing market conditions in which diversification would help it cushion losses from one aspect of their portfolio. For it to manage competitive strength in the market, it only needs to reorganize its management techniques that should be coupled with a shift towards global standard in order to survive among the several new entrants in the industry. One approach of strategic management that would revive IMG is to blend outsourcing of skilled personnel with its own employees. This would provide hybrid technique that would serve to help it deliver quality services to its diverse clients. This implies that IMG would do a better job for its clients if it contracted with

Monday, November 18, 2019

Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Homelessness - Essay Example Normally, homeless people may be living in cardboard boxes, domestic violence shelter, a homeless shelter, or other temporary housing situation. In this essay, I will show the different life of homelessness between past and present in the world, why people are homeless, the history of homelessness, social science of homelessness, government policy of homelessness and solution for homelessness problem (National Alliance to End Homelessness 2). Homelessness had a different definition in the early century than now. In the 1640s, homelessness was seen as a moral deficiency or a character flaw. It was generally believed that a good Christian under God’s grace would naturally have his or her needs met. During that time, people did not need to pay extra cost on their rent, electricity, water, or other costs that reduced their income as it is today. People would build houses in the village and set up a farm by themselves without paying taxes ((National Alliance to End Homelessness 2). Most of the people could use their talent to support their life. Homeless people were becoming an icon of giving up by the god. In addition, during that time, homelessness was likely an individual issue and it had little impact to the other people (Heidi 1). During the industrial Revolution in the 1820s-‘30s, people began migrating from the farm to the city in search of jobs. For example, Philadelphia and New York had many people walking the streets causing the country’s first panhandling ordinances. City jails became de facto shelter systems. In addition, poor safety regulation caused a lot of physical disability and death. Those disabled and widows, many with dependent children had no means to provide for themselves and nowhere to turn. The 1850s brought the first documented cases of homeless youth, many of whom were kicked out of their homes because their providers could no longer afford to raise and take care of them (Baumohl 24). Homelessness is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Changing In The Role Of Management Accountant Accounting Essay

Changing In The Role Of Management Accountant Accounting Essay Abstract This essay gives an overview of the changing role of management accountant and the management accounting practices. An idea of how these changes were developed and the factors behind the changes what were the reasons for implementing the changes, what were the main drivers and to what extent these changes are now being practice in the real business world? Introduction Over the few decades- many writers have pointed to the work of Johnson and Kaplan (1987) as an organ in this respect that there has been a shift in the expectation of management accountant. This essay is a brief overview of why, how, and to what extent there has been a change in the role of management accountant over the last three decades. In the past decades business environment has changed significantly, this is mainly because of the changes in technology and ever growing demands of business managers all around the globe. These changes have brought a significant level of change in economical factors of business world and management accounting is no exception. And with these changes management accounting as a whole is effected, it has brought changes in accounting system and techniques and has been subject to various debates as to bring changes in the function of accounting. Nevertheless, there have been mainly two types of development: adoption of new tools and techniques which en hances accounting practice, and on the other hand change in the role of management accountant, which is towards acting more in decision making and advisory rather than solely focusing on providing information. In the following sections this essay will give a brief idea of the main reason behind the changes and how these changes effected the management accounting practices and to what extent these changes are adapted by the accounting sector. Reasons for the changes The ever changing environmental and technological factors has affected the global economy in past few decades, and accounting and finance is a key player in running any economy. And as being a major factor in running any economy accounting practices has suffered significantly. But the focus in this essay is on management accounting and its practitioner and why, how and to what extent there has been a change in their practice. Laboring under the shadow of financial reporting, auditing and taxation, on number of occasions management accounting has escaped the spotlight of critics. Often management accounting and the role of management accountant is relegated to the lower crust of accounting, and was limited to the role of organizational book keeping and budgeting and sometimes only to the extent of obligatory university or professional body courses. But if we look in this matter from historical point of view management accounting was and to some extent still considered as a dull profession. We can say that due to globalization of markets which have increased competition, and now markets are more volatile, where reaction time is very little for companies to act. Advancement in information and production technologies, which have reduce the time of information processing by accounting specialist and has enabled other organizational staff to take up tasks by themselves which were previously labeled for accountants.  [i]   Furthermore systems like SAP are becoming more common in multinational companies, and in some medium size companies. A recent survey on this topic has also proved that there has been a change in needs of mangers information; this might be because of the changing style of organizational structure. In recent years due to severe competition among organizations of being on top, and where change is necessary because of different market conditions, and of course different business strategies used in different organizations. All these factors are the reason for the change in the practice of management accountants. Implementing the changes and its Effects If we summarize the recent surveys on changing role of management accountant, we will see that there are two types of factors that have brought a change in the environment of management accounting operations. Externals factors have forced organization to change there internal structures to compete with ever improving technological industry. The 21st century management accountants have developed into a multi-functional engine and are more involved in accounting matters than before. Now managers need more information than before, for decision-making and relevant organizational matters needed for profitable outcome. Internal organizational factors like decision making require more advance information and efficient modes are required to perform such tasks. So with that majority of the information management accountant have these days are computerized and are easily accessible at all levels of the organization and managers who can immediately see their variances and monitor their performance daily. These new development has replaced old methods where managers were able to see the progress at the end of the month. During a conversation between CIMA members it was stated: now systems are such that managers can generate information without reference to the financial analysts. So both have access to the same information. But they both use it in different ways. That has been a major change. A variety of terms are used to describe the new role of management accountant is or should be aspiring, which include modern business-oriented accountant (Granlund and Lukka, 1998b), business partner (Siegal and Sorenson, 1999), internal business consultants (Burns and Vaivio, 2001), strategic management consultant (Holtzman, 2004), or Hybrid accountant (Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2005). Nevertheless, theme was one way or the other same regarding the new role.  [ii]   But the matter of fact is the role of accountant is more important than before, not only in the corporate level, but also at national and international level. The main focus of management accountant has always been to improve their organizations performance and profitability, but now due to changes in different environmental and economical factors their approach has changed in recent time for good. Noticeable change over time is that in years before, a great deal of management accounting work was driven by the need of compliance and control. But now, emphasis on compliance and control are declining, while factors like competitive support has risen due to increased competition, greater customer focus, importance of quality and of course globalization. The increased emphasis on competitive support now require management accountant to have strong analytical and communication skills. Furthermore, they now support and process managers, and are directly involved in decision making. They are also involved in long and short-term planning, they also have to develop systems to support and provide essential information needed. With these new developments management accountant must directly involved in formulation, and the implementing business strategies. To what extend there has been changes Today, as compared to previous decades management accounting practices has changed quite a bit, now management accountant has to reconcile the broad view of business. Today management accountant are more effective and efficient. Management accounting is changing, and reason for these changes is the factors. These factors are as mentioned above: changes in the economic and social structures, globalization issues, changes in the markets, and technological developments and last but not least need for organizations to become customer focused. The focus have shifted from historical stewardship to more advance role of strategic planning and feed forward control (pierce, 2001). Now armed with advance skills, new technology, more analytical skills and leadership qualities the new management accountants are emerging with the change. Management accountant these days spend their time on strategic management accounting with a view of broadening the concept of traditional management accounting. The term strategic management accounting was first introduced by Ken Simmonds in 1981. And CIMA describes this terminology as a form of management accounting that focuses on information which relate to factors external to the firm, as well as non-financial information, and internally generated information. This integration is now more important because it enables managers to see the day-to-day development of the business process. How these processes are being handled and what will be there outcome, and that way this is seen as an important function of the new and more advance management accountant. And with the changing role of management accountant, in some companies their job titles are also changing as mentioned above like business advisor, business analyst and few others. Furthermore, some surveys have suggested that there will be more changes in the role of management accounting, management accountants will be taking up the duties of handling matters like designing, developing and operating financial and management information system. The trend is that management accountant is now working more with business units, rather than working as an individual unit as happened in the past. This is mainly because of the shift in the duties of the management accountant and changes in the organizational structures. Now management accountant work alongside managers, engineers and so on.  [iii]   In some cases it is noted that management accountant are more involved in issues of corporate strategy, they are more involved and are not acting as an individual unit, and this is the reason the need for management accountant to be more skillful, advance are becoming a mandatory qualification. To sum up the situation of the role changing or we can also say that taking it to next level the factors played a very important role, factors such as; technology, restructuring, globalization, takeovers/mergers, new accounting techniques and so on. Management accountants are adapting to the change which is not only helping the organizations to be more effective in making profit, but it is also improving the dull image of the management accountant. Conclusion In the end we can say that the changing roles of management accountant are for the good of the profession. As to compete in this fast growing economical world, with all the development that are taking place around us accounting and finance plays an important role in any successful economy. As a whole the role of management accountant have moved into another level. With all the new techniques and technological advancement have brought new softwares which have made work easy and faster for the management accountant, which is always a need in this fast pace world where markets are very competitive and margin of error is very high.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Impact Of Religious Settlers In Religious Times Essays -- essays r

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The places where we live today have not always been here. The way we live has not always been the same. In fact, very few places that existed back in the colonial times exist today. If they still exist, it is because of the success gained over the years gone by after the settlers came to the New World. Settlers came to the New World in search of many things. They came in search of gold, they came for new lives, and they came for religious freedom. In England, during this time period, people were being judged, separated and persecuted on the basis of their religious beliefs. There were two groups of people that were unhappy with the Church. These groups came to be known as the Puritans and the Separatists. The Puritans are the people who are known to want to make changes within the Church of England. Then there were the Separatists, who were so disgusted with the Church of England that they just wanted out. They wanted to be recognized totally separate from it. One group, the Separatists. â€Å" In 1609, a group of about 125 Separatists moved from England to Holland (a part of the Netherlands) because the Dutch had a policy of religious tolerance.† They were able to practice religion how they wanted to, but they were uneasy about the thought of their children losing their English roots as time went on. So they came up with the idea of immigrating to the New World. Only about 30 wanted to voyage to Virginia, which was an unknown land to all. The Separatists sailed from Holland in 1620. This group was also known as the Pilgrims. The pilgrims are widely known for â€Å"The First Thanksgiving† as their offertory meal with the Native Americans. The Pilgrims goal was to establish a colony â€Å" as a distinct body by themselves.† And off they went for their voyage across sea, goals sighted for just north of Jamestown. Unfortunately, they were blown off course, so when they finally got a glimpse of land, it was Cape Cod. It was the separatists that put together the Mayflower Compact, which was a legal basis recognizing James I as their king and it state â€Å" that they would form a civil body politic, which would frame such just and equal laws for the good of all the people.† A solemn agreement was made to abide by the compact, and it was signed before anyone got off the ship. Only men signed the document because women of that time were not cons... everyone who believe that in order to be recognized in life, you had to abide by the religious rules. Puritans especially believed that they could make changes in the Church to fit the needs of the members of the community. But what they did was just make the situation worse for the people who were already unhappy. The Separatists cut off all ties completely with the Church, because they were fed up with trying to deal with its strict rules and regulations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is because of people like Roger Williams, John Wheelwright, and Thomas Hooker that we have some of the religions that we have today. It is also the factor of the colonies being where they are today. Everything that was done in the past by people like them, has had a great effect on today’s society. It is because of the people from the past that gives the people the courage today to stand up for what they believe in. Without theses people, we would not have the great Martin Luther King, Jr., or other great people who made changes in history. We owe a great deal to their courage and their actions, because without them, we may not have some of the places, people, or ideas that we have today.